Attending a parenting group "Chatty+"
(FOR YOUR INFORMATION: Chatty+ is a group/community in Tokyo, Japan. 2
Japanese women founded the group in 2018, both of them are
professional coaches and mothers. The vision is that mothers are
connected with the other mothers, and each mothers can find their own
way how to raise their children, how to work and how to live through
having chat or coaching approach. Their meetings help each members'
parenting mind built, thinking or talking a theme. Establishing
mothers' own parenting gives their confidence, and the mother's smile
makes children's smile. Also, such meeting activities dedicate for
families to avoid being isolated.)
I attended the group meeting on 28th October, 2018. The theme we
chatted about was "what's annoying in discipline". 2 founders
facilitated it and gave us feedback with a coaching approach.
Participants talked about recent troubles with their children and
gradually found out why they were having these problems. Through
learning, they also came up with solutions and tips in themselves in
the 2 hours.
I learned that parents may need someone to listen to their thoughts on
parenting steps. As a postpartum doula, I will accept enough dialogue
with my clients and encourage them in having some persons/communities
to talk about parenting so that they can find their own parenting way
much more smoothly and fun.